Phoebe Marie

Phoebe Marie
September 10, 1996 - June 30, 2008

Sunday, February 15, 2015


today I met actor Cary Elwes. Westley from the Princess Bride. He came to the Mall of America to do a screening of the movie, a Q&A and a book signing of his book "As You Wish"

The Princess Bride has been a favorite of mine since the moment I saw it in the theater at 15 years old in 1987. Never in my wildest dreams did I think one day I would meet Cary. Today it happened.

I asked him a favor after the hug. I showed him my "As you wish" wrist tattoo and said "could you sign the name Westley here so I can get it tattooed?"
he was like "for real?"
I said "Yes! I will tweet you the picture after I get it done.
so he signed me.
and I got the autograph tattooed

1 comment:

Ivan said...

Very cool, sweetie