Phoebe Marie

Phoebe Marie
September 10, 1996 - June 30, 2008

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I am not a religious person at all (though I do worship television) but today I've decided that for Lent I'm going to give up something. Not candy or pop or junk food (oh hell no) but I'm going to give up worrying about how others do their job. It is the cause for 99% of my depression these past few months. I need to try and let it go. I DO need to let it go it's just my brain is not good at doing it. (I obsess about things). For my mental and physical well-being I'm going to do my best to stop worrying about how those around me do their job. I'm going to only concentrate on myself and doing a good job. If those around me do far less work, talk too much, sleep, etc. it is not my concern. It never was to begin with, it's my own fault for allowing it to get to me. So hopefully for the next 40 days and 40 nights I will give up worrying and hopefully by the end of Lent it will just be something that is never need to deal with anymore.